On Yawning

On Yawning

I was reading a chart on the history of the earth and the organic material upon it as a lead up to the 2.8 million years of the history of humanity. Early on in this big timeline came the phenomenon of yawning in vertebrates. Yawning! Yawning started 420 million years...
Poetic Protest

Poetic Protest

They don’t want poems to rhyme these days  Ruling poetic narrative profounder.  But words which rhyme have their ways  To plunge to an inside that’s far yonder.   There are depths where sense can make a sense  Not of logic but of beat and caress—  Where words do more...
What a Poem Can Do

What a Poem Can Do

Today is life.  I deserve to experience the bounty of simply being alive.  I can feel the pulse of life ripple through my body wherever I focus my attention. This focus, this attention, this pulse brings me right to where it is best to be.  It is simply...
Blog About

Blog About

Topics: The Sacredness of Sex Social Organization power vs. force recruitment into groups exiting from groups Beauty and Art structure of creativity Manners and Customs The Fear of Death Politics politics is local power corrupts  voting for candidates who are products...


What is it about new:  new cup, new underwear, new coat, new kitten.  Why do we humans like new?  I guess it is simple:  it is a symbol for re-birth.  After a while all objects, including pets and boyfriends, do now awaken in us a spirit of...
The Gem Show

The Gem Show

Gem Show Upon return from the Tucson International Gem Show, it came time to make a post and yet I was devoid of crunchy ideas to discuss.  Then my friend in Malaysia directed me to her recent post about gemstones.   What a read!  Rocks....